On 19th April 2022, we organized an ASIS Connects session for professionals in the security industry. It was a open sharing session for everyone regardless if they are an ASIS member or not.

For the first session, we were honored to have Taqiuddin Ahmad, Security Engineer from Sarawak Energy Berhad who share on the Evolution of Security Technology. It was an enlightening session where we learned the origins of multiple security appliances was due to research in war!

Subsequently, we were also honored to have Krishnan Maniam, Sr. Manager, Advance Micro Devices to share with us on a Overview of Custom Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and its Benefits. A very common supply chain security requirement, C-TPAT was initially introduced after the 9-11 terrorist attack. Currently, there are more than 10,000 companies globally enrolled in the program.
For ASIS Malaysia chapter members, do check out the full presentation slides in our library section.
Despite it being a public holiday for some, turnout was very encouraging and we hope to host such sessions every 2 months or less. Do join us the next time!